Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Crash

Wow. What a weekend! As you may or may not know, Halloween is my VERY FAVORITE holiday! I LOOOOVE it! Although people don't share my same love, who doesn't love having the ability to be WHOEVER you want to be one day a year?! I just think it is so fabulous! So here's some pictures from my weekend....

On Friday, we went to Cornbelly's. It was SOOO much fun! Although I am a total wuss during the haunted things! Braden designed the cornmaze. How rad is that?!

The cornbox. It was SOOO yucky in there!

Can you guess what we were for Halloween?!
Russell and Mr. Fredrickson from UP! Jessa and I decided to be something Legit, rather than some dumb skanks like the rest of Utah....but then I realized that it was too hot to dance in all that...
So we made the quick transition to skank! Okay, we weren't nearly as bad as other kids at BYU though! You would think BYU dances would keep it clean...false. SO VIOLATED. Yuck!

All in all, I would say it was one of my favorite weekends of the semester! I always know that I am bound to have a good time when I go to see Jessa. We have soooo much fun together and are constantly laughing! It was perfect!

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